Monday, December 23, 2019

Nibelungenlied and Parzival Essay - 1567 Words

Nibelungenlied and Parzival Although both the Nibelungenlied and Parzival were composed around the same time (c. 1200), they are vastly different in certain respects—namely concerning the matters of diplomacy, redemption, revenge, and deceit. Some striking similarities do exist among the two texts—concepts of honor (à ªre), loyalty (triuwe), moderation (mà ¢ze) and knightly deeds (à ¢ventiure) are valued highly by both societies. However, each notion is accomplished through different measures in each work. In fact, societal values are taken more to the extreme in Nibelungenlied, and deceit is often used to obtain them. For example, honor manifests itself similarly in each work, but is acted on to a different extent. In both†¦show more content†¦For this reason, Parzival is a much more Christian composition. More specifically, consider first the incidents surrounding Siegfrieds death, which stem from a loss of honor, but point out other important societal values in the Nibelungenlied. Gunther falsely claims, with Siegfrieds approval, that Siegfried is his vassal in order to impress Brunhilde. Siegfried then helps Gunther with the cloak of invisibility to complete tasks of strength, which eventually win Brunhilde. These are deceptions number one and two, and are especially heinous since they occur during a wooing expedition. The third deception of Brunhilde comes about when Siegfried subdues her so that she will sleep with Gunther in the future. The concept of loyalty to ones spouse and to womankind in the world of Parzival forbids any dishonesty in courting endeavors, or any deceit to ones wife. Moreover, nobody openly lies about rank, or social status, because it is far too important of a concept. Gawan is perhaps the only character in Parzival who is not entirely honest about hi s heritage, when he overcomes the Castle of Wonders and frees his relatives. However, his intentions are good—he simply wants to reunite King Arthur to his relatives in a sort of surprise manner, and for that reason any wrong he causes through his silence is almost immediately ameliorated. Finally, the laws governing à ¢ventiure do not allow anyone who uses tricks to win aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Wagnerian3838 Words   |  16 Pagesexhausting epic was the old German poem the Nibelungenlied, which was probably given its final form around the same time as the stories of Parzival and Tristan and Isolde were taking shape, i.e. about the end of the 12th/start of the 13th century. Those other medieval stories were the source of Wagners Tristan und Isolde and his final opera Parsifal. However, having heard the latter and having also read Wolfram von Eschenbachs Parzival, which was Wagners specific source text

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Should Drinking Age Be Increased to 21 Free Essays

Should drinking age be increased to 21. It is no secret, that people drink alcohol before they turn 21. Stories about drinking on college campuses and high school parties are very easy to find. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Drinking Age Be Increased to 21 or any similar topic only for you Order Now That is why underage drinking can be stopped if the law were changed. The major reason that people drink at an early age is because they feel it is fun and exciting to do something they are not supposed to. However, if it would be lowered to 18, then the trill of doing something illegal would vanish. Besides that, 18 is the age of adulthood in the United States, and adults should have the right to make their own decisions about alcohol consumption. What is also very important, that other countries had demonstrated that young people, who are allowed to drink at the age of 18, don’t go wild. Although the legal alcohol purchase age is 21, a majority of college students under this age consume alcohol in an irresponsible manner. This is because drinking by these youth is seen as enticing â€Å"forbidden fruit†, a â€Å"badge of rebellion against authority† and a symbol of adulthood. According to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism the major argument for lowering the drinking age is that prohibitions have always provoked over – indulgence. Those of us who have attended college over the last 25 years can certainly attest to the fact that the law has done nothing to diminish freshman and sophomore access to alcohol. It has only pushed underage consumption underground. The statistics show that many underage people drive home after a night of drinking in order to hide it from their parents. If the drinking age were lowered, young adults would feel less pressure to notify their parents that they have been drinking. Ultimately, the greatest threat to people’s safety comes, when young adults drive home under the influence. In addition, we say that 18 year olds are adult enough to kill and die in the armed forces, change the course of a nation in the voting both, judge other adults on a jury, be prosecuted as an adult, enter into binding contracts, operate automobiles and heavy machinery, smoke tobacco, own and operate a business, have a bank account and credit card, own a house, be married and have a family of their own. As a Froma Harrop, nationally syndicated columnist wrote in her Feb. 9, 2010 article â€Å"Age Discrimination for the Young† â€Å"Being adult who cannot have a beer is highly, absurdly inconsistent. â€Å" According o her, in our imperfect world, the law has to draw lines, however arbitrary. But laws that only appear to address a problem by burdening young people aren’t wise, and they aren’t fair. For the past 20 years, the U. S. has maintained a Minimum Legal Drinking Age of 21, while in most other countries is 18, and in U. K. is as low as 16 in restaurants. A ccording to John Cloud, writer for Time Magazine, all those countries with drinking age under 21 tend to have fewer alcohol – related problems, than we do in the U. S. In those countries, people learn how to drink from an early age and do so in the safe and supporting environment of the home. Alcohol statistics say that teens coming from homes that had no alcohol and were not taught how to drink responsibly had more issues with alcohol. The behavior in these teens was less risky if parents allowed them to drink at home. In today’s world alcohol is and always going to be a problem no matter what age we are. However, there is no evidence of massive brain impairment, alcohol dependency, or underage alcohol abuse, which the experts tell us, will be the inevitable result of lowering the drinking age in the United States. By lowering drinking age, young adults would be allowed to drink in controlled environments such as restaurants, taverns, pubs and official school and university functions. In these situations responsible drinking could be taught through role modeling and educational programs. Mature and sensible drinking behavior would be expected. If the drinking age was lowered, it will help kids realize how important alcohol is, and how mature we must become when we are under the influence of alcohol. How to cite Should Drinking Age Be Increased to 21, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Mother Teresa (2660 words) Essay Example For Students

Mother Teresa (2660 words) Essay Mother TeresaAgnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born August 26, 1910; baptized August 27 in Skopje, in Macedonia. When Agnes was 9, her father died. It was 1919 and Drana had to raise her three children, Aga (1904), Lazar (1907) and Gonxha (1910) alone. They prayed every evening, went to church every day, prayed the rosary every day in may and assisted the service for the Holy Virgin. A great and warm attention went also to the poor and needy who came to knock at the door. During the holidays a stay in the pilgrimage place of Letnice, where Our Lady was venerated, was a custom for the family. Agnes liked to be in church, she liked to read and to pray and to sing. Here mother also took care of an alcoholic women in the neighborhood. She went to wash and feed her twice a day and she also took care of a widow with 6 children. When Drana could not go, Agnes went to do this charitable work. And when the widow died, the children were raised in the house as if they were family. Lazar won a scholarship in Austria, Aga followed commercial school and Agnes went to the Lyceum.(Mother Teresa);A great part of their time also went to the Legion of Mary. She helped a father, who had difficulties with the language, to teach catechism and read a lot about Slovenian and Croatian missionaries in India. At twelve she felt for the first time the desire to spend her life for Gods work, to give it to Him and to let Him decide. But how could she be sure? She prayed a lot over it and talked about it with her sister and her mother. And also the father to whom she confessed she asked: How can I be sure? He answered: through your JOY. If you feel really happy by the idea that God might call you to serve Him, Him and your neighbor, then this is the evidence that you have a call. And he added: the deep inner joy that you feel is the compass that indicates your direction in life. At 18 it is the day. The decision was made. The last two years she assisted several religious retreats in Letnice and it was clear to her that she would be a missionary for India. On Assumption day in 1928 she went to Letnice to pray for Our Ladys blessing before leaving. She was going to join the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto, who were very active in India. September 25 she leaves, accompanied to the station by the whole community: friends, schoolmates, neighbors, young and old and of course her mother and her sister Aga (who will be later a translator and a radio speaker). And everybody weeps. (Mainly from the book: A life: Mother Teresa, Lush Gjergi, Albania). She travels over Zagreb, to Austria, Switzerland, France to London and then to the abbey close to Dublin where the mother house of the Loreto Sisters is. Gonxha learns to speak English and is trained in religious life. She receives the clothes of a sister and chooses the name of Sister Teresa, in memory of the Little Teresa of Lisieux, where they stopped on the way to London. In the mean time her papers get ready and 1928 on December the 1st the crossing to India starts: the country of her dreams. It is a long and tiring journey. Some more sisters are on board but the main group is anglican. For weeks they cannot attend mass or receive communion. Not on Christmas either. But they make a crib, pray the rosary and sing Christmas songs. In the beginning of 1929 they reach Colombo, then Madras and finally Calcutta. The journey continues to Darjeeling, at the feet of the Himalayas, where the young sister will accomplish her training. On may 23, 1929 she is accepted as a novice and two years later she makes her first vows. Immediately after that she is send to Bengali to help the sisters in the little hospital with the care for sick, starving and helpless mothers. She is touched by the endless misery which is there. (A life: Mother Teresa, Lush Gjergi,), (www.,(www.drinicom/mother teresa),(www.,(St. Anthony messenger Magazine Online),(Newsweek Magazine)She is send to Calcutta to study to become a teacher. Whenever she can she helps in the care for the sick. When her study is finished, she is named to be teacher and has to cross the city every day. The first work was to clean the classroom. Quickly the children learned to love her for her enthusiasm and her tenderness and their number raised to three hundred. In another part of the city there were one hundred little students. She saw where they lived and what they ate. For her care and her love, they soon called her ma. Sundays, whenever there was time, she went to visit this familys. On may 24 in 1937 she makes her final vows in Darjeeling. She is named headmaster of a secondary school for middle class Bengali girls in the center of Calcutta. She was there teacher for history and geography for some time. Close to the institute is one of the great slums of Calcutta. The Beer Industry Essay Other girls follow: in may they were three, in November five, next year seven. And Sister Teresa prayed fervently for more vocations to the Lord and to Our Lady. There was a lot of work. The sisters raised early in the morning, prayed a long time, had adoration and attended mass to find in their spiritual life the strength to do the material work in the service of the poor. Thank God, a certain Mister Gomes offered the top floor of his house to Sister Teresa for her first community. In this year also Sister Teresa takes the Indian nationality. Sister Teresa sees the community grow and knows she can think seriously about starting a congregation. For the first constitutions she asks the advice of two from her first helpers: Father Julien Henry s. j. and Father Celest Van Exem s.j. The last reading was done by father P. De Gheldere. The Constitutions of the Society of the Missionaries of Charity could be presented to the archbishop, who would send them for approval to Rome. Early in autumn the papal approval arrived and 7th of October 1950, feast of the Holy Rosary, the foundation was celebrated in the chapel of the sisters. The archbishop celebrated mass and father Van Exem read the foundation papers. That moment there were 12 sisters. Every year hundreds of sisters over the world celebrate on the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary the foundation of the Congregation. Not even five years after this day the congregation became papal, this means that they depend straight from the pope. It is basic in the Rule of the Society that the sisters, out of love for Jesus, devote themselves out of their free will, to the service of the poorest of the poor and this is as a fact, their fourth vow. This is their way to live and spread the gospel and work for the salvation and the sanctification of the poor. (A life: Mother Teresa, Lush Gjergi,), ( com),(www.drinicom/mother teresa),(www.home1.pacific. net),(St. Anthony messenger Magazine Online),(Newsweek Magazine)While the number of poor and sick that asked for help was increasing, the admiration for the free devotion of the sisters was growing as well. Find a suitable house to accept the increasing number of sisters was a real necessity. After a novena to Saint Cecilia the solution came: a muslim leaving town to Pakistan sold his big house for a cheap price and this became the famous Mother house, Lower Circular Road 54A. The postulants first came from Bengaly, then from all over India and finally from all over the world. The foundress herself was novice mistress. For the spiritual training she asked one of the fathers, but for the matters of the house and the Community, it was clear, this was not his responsibility. She did not want an interference from outside in the inside matters. The first confession father was father Edward Le Joly s.j. Like the other Jesuits he was from Belgian origin. He had a good contact and a good co-working and wrote some of the first and most respected books about Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity. (A life: Mother Teresa, Lush Gjergi,), (,(www. drinicom/mother teresa),(,(St. Anthony messenger Magazine Online),(Newsweek Magazine)While the society grew in work and number Mother kept praying for vocations and the work kept growing. Houses were opening and some closing down from one day to another for one or another political, social or security reason. The society is very much alive and moving. Mother Teresa went all over the world to help people, rescue children, advise her sisters; to organize and to talk. More and more she was asked to address words to a group of sometimes ordinary sometimes very exquisite crowds. In spite of the fact that her message is often the same, can be captured in few sentences and that she certainly has many times a quite traditional point of view, she is listened to carefully. In spite of her age she continues to search means to help the poor people all over the world and she helps with the means she has. In every continent, even in Russia her sisters are present in their service to the lost, for the love of Jesus. In 1992 by the election of the New Superior general, she is prepared to hand over the responsibility. But she is re-elected. When in 1996 her health starts to fail seriously, due to her heart getting worn out by love and action she expresses the wish not to continue. On march 13th 1997 the assembly of sisters elect Sister Nirmala to continue the beautiful work, for the love of Jesus. On September 5th 1997, late in the evening around 9.30pm, Mother Teresa goes to Heaven in the Mother house in Calcutta. Totally finished and worn out, as she had given herself totally, wholeheartedly, freely and unconditionally to the service of the poorest of the poor, for the love of Jesus. (A life: Mother Teresa, Lush Gjergi,), (www.,(www.drinicom/mother teresa),(www.,(St. Anthony messenger Magazine Online),(Newsweek Magazine) Stephanie Johnson

Monday, November 25, 2019

The California Gold Rush

The California Gold Rush The California Gold Rush was a remarkable episode in history sparked by the discovery of gold at Sutters Mill, a remote outpost in California, in January 1848. As rumors of the discovery spread, thousands of people flocked to the region hoping to strike it rich. In early December 1848, President James K. Polk confirmed that quantities of gold had been discovered. And when a cavalry officer sent to investigate the gold finds published his report in a number of newspapers that month, gold fever spread. The year 1849 became legendary. Many thousands of hopeful prospectors, known as Forty-Niners, raced to get to California. Within a few years, California transformed from a sparsely populated remote territory to a booming state. San Francisco, a small town with a population of about 800 in 1848, gained another 20,000 residents the following year and was well on its way to becoming a major city. The frenzy to get to California was accelerated by the belief that gold nuggets being found in stream beds would not be found for long. By the time of the Civil War, the gold rush was essentially over. But the discovery of gold had a lasting impact not only in California but on the development of the entire United States. Discovery of Gold The first discovery of California gold took place on January 24, 1848, when a carpenter from New Jersey, James Marshall, spotted a gold nugget in a mill race he was building at the sawmill of John Sutter. The discovery was purposely kept quiet, but word leaked out. And by the summer of 1848 adventurers hoping to find gold was already starting to flood into the area around Sutters Mill, in north-central California. Up until the Gold Rush, the population of California was about 13,000, half of whom were descendants of the original Spanish settlers. The United States had acquired California at the end of the Mexican War, and it might have remained sparsely populated for decades if the lure of gold had not become a sudden attraction. Flood of Prospectors Most of the people seeking gold in 1848 were settlers who had already been in California. But confirmation of the rumors in the East changed everything in a profound way. A group of U.S. Army officers was dispatched by the federal government to investigate the rumors in the summer of 1848. And a report from the expedition, along with gold samples, reached federal authorities in Washington that autumn. In the 19th century, presidents presented their annual report to Congress (the equivalent of the State of the Union Address) in December, in the form of a written report. President James K. Polk presented his final annual message on December 5, 1848. He specifically mentioned the discoveries of gold in California. Newspapers, which typically printed the presidents annual message, published Polks message. And the paragraphs about gold in California got a lot of attention. The same month the report by Col. R.H. Mason of the U.S. Army began to appear in papers in the East. Mason described a trip he had made through the gold region with another officer, Lieutenant William T. Sherman (who would go on to achieve great fame as a Union general in the Civil War). Mason and Sherman traveled into north-central California, met with John Sutter, and established that the rumors of gold were entirely true. Mason described how gold was being found in stream beds, and he also ascertained financial details about the finds. According to published versions of Masons report, one man had made $16,000 in five weeks and showed Mason 14 pounds of gold he had found in the previous week. Newspaper readers in the East were stunned, and thousands of people made up their minds to get to California. Travel was very difficult at the time, as argonauts, as the gold seekers were called, could either spend months crossing the country by wagon, or months sailing from East Coast ports, around the tip of South America and then onward to California. Some cut time from the trip by sailing to Central America, crossing overland, and then taking another ship to California. The gold rush helped create the golden age of clipper ships in the early 1850s. The clippers essentially raced to California, with some of them making the trip from New York City to California in less than 100 days, an astounding feat at the time. Impact of the California Gold Rush The mass migrations of thousands to California had an immediate impact. While settlers had been moving westward along the Oregon Trail for nearly a decade, California suddenly became the preferred destination. When the administration of James K. Polk first acquired California a few years earlier, it was generally believed to be a territory with potential, as its harbors could make a trade ​with Asia possible. The discovery of gold, and the great influx of settlers, greatly accelerated the development of the West Coast.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Energe policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Energe policy - Research Paper Example (Fox-Penner and Peter S, 2010) A huge sum of monety is required before their implementation is attained. This may lead to tax rate increament. Although the regulations may affect people in terms of employment and costs, it is implemented for the advantage of the people. This is due to the health risks caused by these energy productions and also the environment. The life of a human being is more important than the money or the living standards of people. (Fox-Penner and Peter S, 2010) People should gauge the advantages and disadvantages in order to react to the effect of energy from Obama’s administration. In this paper we will be able to see two policies which should be considered and be implemented immediately and one which is not necessary for it to be implemented. Ozone is a combination of chemical reaction which includes methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and other volatile organic compounds. The Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards should be implemented in order to prevent its effects to the living things both animals and plants. This is in section 109 of the clean Air Act which includes both primary and secondary standards .The primary standards are used to protect the health of the citizens while the secondary standards are used in protecting the animals, vegetation, visibility and buildings. This act thus suggests that there should be control measure implemented on sources of air pollutants like industries and vehicles among others in order to reduce the effect of air pollution to the environment. (Implementation of the Clean Air Act National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 1998) This is because there effect will lead to an increase in health complication amongst the citizens subjected to the pollutants. The result of this will include spending money in solving these issues and many people might lose their lives. This will cost the government of about $19 to $90 dollars in order to be implemented which is high but it should also be considered that its effect will be affecting everyone. The effect of the ozone will affect the ecosystem at large as most of the plants will not be able to survive and humans will immune system will decrease increasing the chances of its effect to the human system. Emission reduction strategies should be used in both the local, state tribunal agencies from the menu of control measures in order to attain the national Ambient Air Quality standards on attaining a new primary ozone standard. Coal is a major producer of electricity in America by producing 54% of electricity supplied in the market. It is also used for cement among other purposes at home. Although it is useful to the American citizen it also has effects both to the health and the environment. The use of coal ash has many effects during combustion as they affect the human health for example they cause cancer and respiratory complications. They also affect the environment as it contains toxic elements like sulfur, mercury an d fluorine among others which also affect the environment. Coal plants emit carbon dioxide which affects the climate change as it prevents the emission of heat from the Earth surface which leads to the global effect. This can be seen by the reducing level of waterways as a lot of water evaporates. The percentage of coal production is over million tons and about 78% million are disposed while the rest is sold. Coal also causes aid

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Unit 3 discussion domestic violence Research Paper

Unit 3 discussion domestic violence - Research Paper Example all that by producing a quality genetic generation with little or no traits of criminal behaviour but those focused on making our planet liveable in the next years to come. I believe the theory in as far as the notion of battery tendencies being experienced and not inherited. This is so because any form of violence including battery is acquired through the social learning process from abusive family members (Gosselin, 2009). Children learn from abusive parents and they pass these traits to their children through the same process of being violent and their children copying the same behaviour. An example to explain why the battery tendencies are not inherited is from observing siblings from the same parents acting out differently to resolve differences. Not all of them act violently and this explains why the behaviour is experienced. Children who experience or as exposed to more domestic violence and especially battery tend to be more violent that those who did not experience

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Critical Analysis - Essay Example Greek Resistance Movement succeeded in making the Germans withdraw in 1944, the Greek Civil War broke out in 1946 between the communist-led rebels and the Greek government. A prolonged period of fighting followed at the end of which the rebels were completely defeated by October 1949 (The World Book Encyclopedia). Mark Mazower is a renowned British historian, reputedly one of the leading global specialists in Greek history (Wikipedia). His book â€Å"After the War was Over† contains 14 essays that show how the Civil War affected the family, the law, and the State of Greece, providing fresh insight into missing records, and delving into events that were hitherto unknown to the world (Finney). The first revelation concerns the subject of justice, a theme in 5 essays of the volume (Finney). Mark Mazower’s essay â€Å"Three Forms of Political Justice: Greece, 1944-1945† (Chapter 1 of the volume) deals with the unpredictable understanding of concepts of justice in Greece; he writes about how frequent attempts (‘how Greece recovered from the most prolonged and traumatic experience of its brief life as a nation-state’ {p.21}) to restore justice and take legal action against collaborators were ruined by the re-emergence of the anticommunist right wing faction. Eleni Haidia’s essay â€Å"The Punishment of Collaborators in Northern Greece, 1945-1946† (Chapter 2) reviews trials of collaborators in Thessaloniki, revealing how the initial intention to mete out strong punishment eventually broke down and vanished after encountering malignancies such as improper administration practices, corruption, and lack of funding. Procopis Papastratis’ essay â€Å"Purging the University after Liberation† (Chapter 3) explores the efforts to cleanse Athens University of Germans and the pre-war Metaxas regime collaborators, telling how the University used academic and political tactics to successfully repulse the threat of cleansing it. Susanne-Sophia Spiliotis’ essay â€Å"An Affair

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Perelmans Argumentation Theory And International Relations Philosophy Essay

Perelmans Argumentation Theory And International Relations Philosophy Essay The purpose of this essay is to outline the main notions of Chaim Perelmans philosophy as presented in The Realm of Rhetoric. Let it be mentioned here that Perelman never intended his book to be a methodological study book, but a concise work on what justification of values looks like in practical discourse. Still, his works have been widely applied as a methodological tool in the field of international relations. From outlining Perelmans philosophy I will proceed onto how it has been applied in international relations research. In the last part of my essay, I will study how to use Perelmans work in my own research. 2. BACKGROUND Initially, the Polish-born philosopher Chaim Perelman carried his research in law and philosophy along the lines of logical positivism. In 1944, Perelman completed an empiricist study on justice, De La Justice  [1]  . In his research he concluded that the applications of the law always involve value judgments, and as values cannot be subjected to the rules of logic, the foundations of justice must be arbitrary. Perelman found his own conclusions untenable since value judgments are an integral part of all practical reasoning and decision-making. To deny the value judgments would mean denying the rational foundations of philosophy, politics, law and ethics. As a result of his own empiricist study, Perelman rejected his positivism, absorbing influences from the philosophies that provided a rationale for value judgments  [2]  . According to him, the usefulness of logical positivism was limited to the applications of pure science  [3]  . Regressive philosophies that provide a rationale for value judgments were just as untenable for him because metaphysics self-evident axioms only one perceived error would cause the metaphysical construction and its claims for universal truths to collapse  [4]  . Prevalent alternatives, especially the existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre, do not elicit any sympathy from Perelman either: Perelman says that Sartre merely replaces absolutes of metaphysicism with absolute skepticism  [5]  . In 1948 Perelman met with Madame Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca, with whom he set on a collaboration project, the purpose of which was to develop a philosophy that avoided the absolutes of both positivism and radical relativism. Their basic question can be expressed as: What does justification of values look like in actual, verbal discourse?  [6]  In other words, they set on to research non-formal arguments. Together with Olbrechts-Tytega, Perelman created a theory of rhetoric and argumentation, based upon Greco-Latin rhetoric, as the foundation for a logic of value judgments. Their multidisciplinary study, Traità ¨ de largumentation la nouvelle rhà ©torique was published in French in 1958  [7]  . This work, where Perelman and Olbrechts-Tytega create their theory of rhetoric and argumentation, is the basis of Perelmans The Realm of Rhetoric, where he broadens the original work further. Relying heavily on the works of Aristotle, Perelman concludes that instead of aspiring to universal truths, philosophy in reality is more concerned with persuading specific audiences to accept its claims. For Perelman, a functioning philosophy (which would induce action and essential aspects of being) should be constructed on probabilities, not universal truths, and it should also be able to carry propositions of values stemming from its reception by particular audiences.  [8]   3. THE NEW RHETORIC AND THEORY OF ARGUMENTATION Rhetoric and theory of argumentation form the central core of Perelmans thought. Perelmans study of argumentation is the study of discursive techniques that induce or increase the minds adherence to the theses presented for its assent  [9]  . As Arnold  [10]  proposes, Perelmans realm of rhetoric is the entire universe of argumentative discourse. Perelmans rhetoric is based on the idea that since argumentation aims at securing the adherence of those to whom it is addressed, argumentation is relative to the audience to be influenced  [11]  . Thus, rhetoric is an art of persuasion. 3.1. Audience and the premises of argumentation Argumentation is a person-centered activity it is personal because it starts with the premises that the audience accepts  [12]  . As for the audience, Perelman sticks to the twin concepts of a particular audience and a universal audience; while every argument is directed to a specific individual or a group, it is up to the speaker to decide what information and data will win the greatest adherence according to an ideal audience  [13]  . The aim of all argumentation is to move an audience from an agreement on the premises to an agreement about some conclusion, to modify an audiences convictions through discourse, gain a meeting of minds instead of imposing its will through constraint or conditioning  [14]  . Thus, all argumentation must begin from bases of agreement adequately accepted by the audience prior to the argument. Perelman differentiates between two categories of bases of agreement: the first category consist of facts and truths, the second of the values and hie rarchies  [15]  . Facts and truths here can be understood as supposedly having been accepted by the universal audience, whereas the second category, the values, which can be concrete and abstract, are not universal  [16]  . Establishing values as a starting point of argumentation is important as they may influence action and define good behavior. Values are usually arranged in hierarchies, for instance the superiority of the just over the useful; as a starting point for argumentation an audience may value both but in argument set a preference between the two  [17]  . The last argument starting point, to draw the attention of the audience, is creating a presence. Perelman refers to creating and evoking presence as a technique belonging uniquely in the realm of rhetoric, reaching beyond space and time; convincing an audience through their imagination.  [18]   3.2. Techniques of argumentation As the non-formal argument depends on the adherence of an audience, the orator must see to it that his successive elements of an argument will be accepted or adhered to by the audience. Perelman offers two basic techniques to achieve this: firstly, the association through quasi-logical arguments, and appeals to reality; secondly responding to incompatible opinions through dissociation of concepts.  [19]   Quasi-logical arguments resemble logical, mathematical thinking. However, a quasi-logical argument always presupposes adherence to non-formal theses which alone allow the application of the argument  [20]  . An example of this would be a parlamentarian presenting budget figures in the Parliament, with the aim of initiating an additional rescue package for banks. He/she presents actual figures but purports them in a certain way in his argumentation, in order to convince his/her audience. Association through appealing to reality, on the other hand, refers to affirming of a causal tie between phenomena. From this vantage point argumentation can be directed toward the search for causes, the determination of effects, and the evaluation of a fact by its consequences, which in some cases leads to further inquiries  [21]  . A simple example of this could be a discovery of a corpse and the consequences that follow this particular action. Other ways of argumentation by appealing to reality include examples, illustrations, models and analogy  [22]  . The second technique dissociation of concepts the orator uses when the tenets of an argument are incompatible with accepted opinion. Perelmans view is that when faced with the incompatibilities that ordinary thought encounters, a person tries to resolve it in a theoretically satisfying manner by reestablishing a coherent vision of reality by dissociating the ideas accepted in the start. An example of this dissociation to an appearance vs. reality, a practice found directly or indirectly in all dissociations, could be an oar plunged into the water it appears broken but when we touch it, it is straight. Accordingly, appearances have an equivocal status some of them correspond to reality but sometimes they are only a source of an illusion.  [23]   4. PERELMANS ARGUMENTATION THEORY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS First and foremost, Perelman was a philosopher, not a theoretician in the field of international relations. Secondly, as far as I have understood it, he never aimed his project on rhetoric and argumentation theory, neither his book The Realm of Rhetoric, to be used as a book of methodology in any academic discipline per se. Anyway, during the past two decades there has been a lot of research in the field of international relations that focus on the impact of the politics of talk, or linguistic practices on world politics. Rhetoric and argumentation theory have been used extensively as a method. However, in my opinion, different scholarly communities seem to be pursuing different agendas on different forums, and despite the overlaps, complementarities and possible unification of how language matters in politics, seems to be beyond reach. The different forms of talk bargaining, rhetoric, commonplaces, legal argument, verbal fighting take place in different forums in the sectarian field of international relations. The different forums vary in the degree to which they are public, or rule-governed/institutionalized. The talk of politics also exerts its effects through different mechanisms legitimization, representational force, grafting, framing, persuasion, coercion. The political effects of talk are manifold: the resolution or the escalation of the conflict, the acceptance of or resistance to authority and domination, the construction and transformation of identities and narratives, etc.  [24]   What I would conclude about Perelmans rhetoric and theory of argumentation in the realm of international relations, is that as a method it is extremely adaptable and flexible, and it has thus been used extensively. An itemized listing of using Perlmans philosophy as a method in the different studies in international relations, apart from on the general level, as in the previous chapter, would run tens of pages. When trying to find examples of studies in the field of international relations, where Perelmans philosophy had been applied as a method, the most interesting one I stumbled upon was a study by the Viennese researcher Markus Kornprobst, called International Relations as Rhetorical Discipline. Kornprobst proposes that the irreconcilable differences and debates inside the fragmented discipline of international relations are not that irreconcilable and immeasurable at all if we understand the discipline in Perelmanian terms. He proposes, borrowing from Bakhtin and Gadamer that we should understand international relations as a field of overlapping paradigms, which are not hermetically sealed and sectarian. Speechlessness, non-communication inside the discipline can be overcome by uncovering overlaps. Secondly, he argues that this can be applied even to the most irreconcilable epistemological differences (positivism/postpositivism) inside the discipline. His heuristic vehicle for uncover ing overlaps is a classification of epistemological stances in Ancient Greece, which in Kornprobsts study starts from the thesis that international relations is a rhetorical discipline; based on its Aristotelian truth claims, the modes of reasoning and its manner of disseminating what is taken to be knowledge. Thus, the epistemological differences inside the discipline are actually not irreconcilable at all. Dialogue can develop out of the overlap of the horizons and (re)produce the shared language across horizons on which a scholarly community depends.  [25]   5. PERELMAN AND MY OWN RESEARCH I have planned to write my Masters thesis on Thailands democratization process and the national identity of Thainess. I am still at the early stages in my thesis. However, I am planning to use an interdisciplinary theoretical framework in my thesis, along the lines of the political thought of Robert J.Cox, Antonio Gramsci, Karl Polanyi and Gianbattista Vico. Let it be mentioned here that I am only beginning to outline the theoretical framework of my thesis, so the method I am going to use is still open. However, my intention is to study how the Western concept of democracy has been implemented in the local Thai context so that the concept of democracy has been assimilated to the strong nation state by the local competing elites. In this process, the local elites have used the concept of democracy as an instrument of order and discipline. This elite liberal democracy has been used to create Western-style projects, of which creating a national identity of Thai-ness -project is a prime example to suppress diverse segments of population. Thus, the liberal democracy is a kind of ideological tool to secure hegemony to control and discipline the population. An important part of the hegemonic process is immersing for instance the civil society, various peoples movements and democracy it into creating obedient citizens, who will act as guardians to the elite and their interest. In the centre of the national identity project in Thailands particular case is the monarchy. My emphasis would be on the socio-cultural interplay between rulers and ruled within state struggles over hegemony leading to different ways along which domination and resistance can be studied. Initially, I thought my emphasis would not be on economics and on the economical analysis, however during the research process my research is directing me more and more towards the international political economy and critical geography.  [26]   When it comes to the applicability of Perelmans rhetoric and argumentation theory to my thesis as a method, the argumentative approach would be easily applicable. As footnote here: Gramsci offers a very elastic frame of thinking, which calls for interdisciplinarity and open-mindedness just like Perelmans philosophy does  [27]  . A good starting point to use Perelman in my own research would be the central notion in Gramscis thinking, namely hegemony. Hegemony is a multilayered concept; it operates within the duality force/consent and violence/persuasion that to Gramsci characterizes the nature of power. It acquires concrete structure and specific content particularly during those periods in history in which the people or the masses either form the ground for political action or become a force in politics  [28]  . According to Gramsci, capitalism maintains control not only through political and economic coercion and force but also ideologically, through a hegemonic culture  [29]  . Any class that wishes to dominate in a society, has to move beyond economic-corporate interests, to exert moral and intellectual influence and to make alliances and compromises with different social forces to create a counter-hegemonic historic bloc  [30]  . Applying Perelmans rhetoric and theory of argumentation in analyzing Gramscis notion of hegemony would mean analyzing everyday argumentative discourse in public policy, in my thesis it would involve the dichotomy between the struggle of the subaltern classes versus the dominant elites. What is the dominant discourse in holding onto power of the different elites and how is it used to solidify the sovereignty of the authoritarian state over different segments of society struggling for power? What are the aspects of the dominant discourse, political, economical and cultural? As Gramsci sees the society as an organic process, much like the modern physics, he also sees the prevailing hegemony as a process on many levels, including the struggle between the authoritarian state and subaltern classes. Thus, the history of the subaltern classes and counterhegemonical forces is bound to be sporadic, depending on the political space that the subaltern classes manage to create for themselves at certain periods of history. What is the public discourse and the argumentative discourse of the subaltern classes like, and what are its implications when the space the subaltern forces create for themselves at these historical periods? How to interpret the talk of politics in my own research? In many respects, Perelmans rhetoric and theory of argumentation offers an extremely interesting and fruitful tool for my own research. However, as I am still writing my own research plan and doing the background research, I will leave the option of which method to use, open. 6. CONCLUSIONS In this essay, I have tried to outline Chaim Perelmans sometimes obscure philosophy on rhetoric and theory of argumentation. Perelmans theory has been widely applied as a methodological tool in the overlapping fields of research in the academic discipline of international relations. When it comes down to my own research, I find that Perelmans rhetoric and theory of argumentation is definitely one possible option I can as a methodological tool. 7. SOURCES OF REFERENCE: Agnew, J. (2001): The New Global Economy. Time-Space Compression, Geopolitics and Uneven Development. Journal of World Systems Research VII, 2, Fall 2001, 133- 154. . Accessed 15/12/2010. Arnold, C.C. (2008): Introduction. In Perelman, Ch. : The Realm of Rhetoric. Notre Dame, IN: UND Press, vii-xx. Cox, R. (1987): Production, Power and World Order: Social Forces In Making the World History. New York: Columbia University Press. Fontana, B. (2005): The Democratic Philosopher. Rhetoric as Hegemony in Gramsci. Italian Culture 23 (2005), 97-123. Accessed 15/12/2010. Gramsci, A. (2007): Selections from the Prison Notebooks. Edited and translated by Q. Hoare and G.N. Smith. London: Lawrence and Wishart. Gross, A.J. R.D. Dearin (2003): Chaim Perelman. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press. Kornprobst, M. (2009): International Relations as Rhetorical Discipline. International Studies Review 11(1), 1-22. . Accessed 14/12/2010. Perelman, Ch. (2008): The Realm of Rhetoric. Notre Dame, IN: UND Press. Perelman, Ch. L. Olbrechts-Tytega (1969): The Treatise on New Rhetoric and Argumentation. Notre Dame, IN: UND Press. The Politics of Talk in International Relations. A Workshop at the Research Centre Transformations of the State.University of Bremen 27-28 July 2010. . Accessed 14.12.2010.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Twelve angry men Essay -- essays research papers

An examination of the quantitative and qualitative paradigms will help to identify their strengths and weaknesses and how their divergent approaches can complement each other. In most cases, researchers fall into one of the two camps--either relying exclusively upon "objective" survey questionnaires and statistical analyses and eschewing warm and fuzzy qualitative methods, or using only qualitative methodologies, rejecting the quantitative approach as decontextualizing human behaviour. However, social researchers recognise that each approach has positive attributes, and that combining different methods can result in gaining the best of both research worlds. Quantitative research uses methods adopted from the physical sciences that are designed to ensure objectivity, generalizability and reliability. These techniques cover the ways research participants are selected randomly from the study population in an unbiased manner, the standardised questionnaire or intervention they receive and the statistical methods used to test predetermined hypotheses regarding the relationships between specific variables. The researcher is considered external to the actual research, and results are expected to be replicable no matter who conducts the research. The strengths of the quantitative paradigm are that its methods produce quantifiable, reliable data that are usually generalizable to some larger population. Quantitative measures are often most appropriate for conducting needs as...

Monday, November 11, 2019

TTR Period

They took control of the production of nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, and mace. Due to this, the Dutch profits skyrocketed and they had a strong centralized control over the Indonesian islands, and were also strategically laced near China for trade purport nineties. Jamestown, Virginia being est.. In America; Thirty Years War used starting in late 16th century when slaves were Of use in the Atlantic region plantation complex The social set up of the way slaves were treated in society is known as the plantation complex.The complex was the agricultural system based in Brazil, North America, and the Caribbean. The system had slaves working under their masters, usually to harvest crops and bring in more profits for their master at free labor. Conflict between Ottoman and Safaris Empires; McHugh empire under Kafka Politically) 6181648 Thirty Years War This war between Rise of Catholic and Protestantism protestant states completely split Europe apart, as well as it being one of the most devasta ting European conflicts in history. 6005 Outage unites Japan The once feudal State Of Japan was united by Outage around this time. Some people say that this saved Japan from being taken over as other small island states had been. China got screwed over by silver trade 1500516005 Colonization of the Americas Americas lead to a mass dying out of peoples and paved the way for European do menace Atlantic slave trade in the continent.More Political(Ally) 16801760 King unification of China The unification during the King dynasty was an eighty year military effort to solidify China into an empire. The reason for this was largely security precautions to prevent another Mongol cone guest of China. Second Ottoman Empire siege of Vienna; High point of Slave Trade: European enlightenment; Wars of Islamic Renewal in West Africa 1 598 The Edict of Antes Henry IV issued the Edict of Antes to alleviate some of the tension between the Catholics and the Protestants.The purpose of this was to stop the brutal massacres and battles. It offered mom leniency for the French Protestants in hope that they would return to the Catholic Church and end this religious â€Å"war'. Jamestown is established as the first English settlement in North America; French colony in Quebec established; missionaries expelled from Japan Map: represents fur trade Interaction w/ the Environment(Ally) ca 1500 1600 Fur Trade The â€Å"World Hunt† was an economical and ecological turning point in the Americas.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Meanings of the German Verb Ausmachen

The Meanings of the German Verb 'Ausmachen' The German verb machen is a very common regular verb with the basic meaning of to make or to do. It gets plenty of mileage all by itself, but by adding the prefix aus-, machen turns into something even more interesting - and takes on many more meanings. (It can add other prefixes, notably an-, but well concentrate on aus- here.) Understanding German verb prefixes is an important part of learning German vocabulary and German verb conjugation. As we shall see with ausmachen, a prefix can make BIG changes in the meaning of a German verb. Although the essential meaning of aus (which is also a dative preposition) is out and ausmachen can mean turn off/out (the light) or put out (a fire), that is only one of its many meanings (in German or English). Lets examine this versatile verb, which has no fewer than ten different meanings, depending on the context. The ten basic meanings listed below are generally ranked in the order of how frequently the verb is used in that meaning, but this is not an exact science. Each meaning also has one or more German synonyms listed along with the English meaning. Ausmachen (là ¶schen) English Meaning: to put out, extinguish, douseExample: Kannst du die Kerzen bitte ausmachen? (Can you please douse/extinguish the candles?) Ausmachen (abdrehen, ausschalten) English Meaning: to switch off, turn off(Note: The opposite is anmachen to switch on, turn on another verb with several different meanings.)Example 1: Machen Sie bitte das Licht / den Fernseher aus! (Please turn off the light / the TV.)Example 2: Sie mà ¼ssen das Gas zuerst ausmachen, bevor sie die Reparaturen machen kà ¶nnen. (They have to turn off the gas before they can make the repairs.) Ausmachen (stà ¶ren, rgern)(etw macht jdm etw aus) English Meaning: to bother (sb), mind, object toExample 1: Macht es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich rauche? (Do you mind if I smoke?)Example 2: Es macht mir nichts aus, ihm zu helfen. (I dont mind helping him.) Ausmachen (ermitteln, entdecken)(etw/jdn) English Meaning: to make out (sth/sb), spot, determineExample 1: Ich kann ihn nicht ausmachen, weil es zu dunkel ist. (I cant make him out because its too dark.)Example 2: Es ist noch nicht ausgemacht, dass er seinen eigenen Putsch politisch à ¼berlebt. (It hasnt yet been determined that he will survive his own coup politically.) Ausmachen (ins Gewicht fallen) English Meaning: to make a differenceExample 1: Was macht es schon aus? (What difference does it make?)Example 2: Es macht gar nichts aus! (It makes no difference at all!) Ausmachen (vereinbaren) English Meaning: to agree to, agree on, set up (appointment)Example 1: Wir mà ¼ssen nur noch ausmachen, wo wir uns treffen. (We just need to agree on where well meet.)Example 2: Wie ausgemacht, habe ich das Auto am Flughafen gelassen. (As agreed, I left the car at the airport.) Ausmachen (austragen) English Meaning: to sort (sth) out, settle (a case, a dispute, an issue, etc.)Example 1: Das mà ¼ssen wir mit ihm ausmachen. (We have to sort that out with him.)Example 2: Kà ¶nntet ihr diesen Streit nicht unter euch ausmachen? (Cant you guys settle this argument among yourselves?) Ausmachen (auszeichnen) English Meaning: to be (all) about, be the essence of sth, make (up) sth, make sth specialExample 1: Was macht das Leben aus? (What is life all about?)Example 2: Arbeit / Liebe macht das Leben aus. (Work/love is what lifes about.)Example 3: Ihm fehlt alles, was einen richtigen Manager ausmacht. (Hes missing everything that goes to make a real manager.) Ausmachen (betragen) English Meaning: to amount to, add up to, come toExample: Der Zeitunterschied macht neun Stunden aus. (The time difference is/amounts to nine hours.) Ausmachen (ausgraben) English Meaning: to dig up (dialect, regional)Example: Sie haben die Kartoffeln ausgemacht. (They dug up the potatoes.)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Medea - A Feminist Perspective

MEDEA · A FEMINIST PERSPECTIVE This paper contends that Euripides’ portrayal of Medea in his famous play named after her serves as the first notable precursor of the Feminist perspective. Euripides’ depiction of Medea as a proud, active and strong woman seems to be way ahead of his time. While doing so, he has shown a marked shift from the predominant patriarchal trends of his times. In an attempt to materialise such a shift, he has departed from the various mythological versions of Medea’s life, which were prevalent in his age. Hence, Euripides manages to expose the chauvinistic trends of the Greek society and uses his artistic genius to lay bare the inherent imperfections in the supposedly ‘perfect’ Greek Civilisation. Let us scrutinise how Euripides manages to portray Medea as the first notable precursor of the feminist perspective. A keen reader of the Greek Tragedy may argue that there are various other female characters that have acquired considerable limelight. Aeschylus’ Clytemnestra , Sophocles’ Antigone and Euripides’ Hecabe and Andromache may be quoted as pertinent examples to substantiate this objection. A close study of all these characters would reveal that none of them happens to be in the same league as Medea. I shall present two arguments to establish the preceding claim. First, Medea outshines all the other portrayals because it has been written from the perspective of a woman who is conscious of her socio-political milieu. Her following dialogue serves as an evidence of her thorough insight into the status of women in her age: â€Å"†¦we women Are the most wretched. When, for an extravagant sum, We have bought a husband, we must then accept him as Possessor of our body†¦. For women, divorce is not Respectable; to repel the man not possible. Still more, a foreign woman, coming among new laws, New customs, needs the skill of magic, to find out What her home ... Free Essays on Medea - A Feminist Perspective Free Essays on Medea - A Feminist Perspective MEDEA · A FEMINIST PERSPECTIVE This paper contends that Euripides’ portrayal of Medea in his famous play named after her serves as the first notable precursor of the Feminist perspective. Euripides’ depiction of Medea as a proud, active and strong woman seems to be way ahead of his time. While doing so, he has shown a marked shift from the predominant patriarchal trends of his times. In an attempt to materialise such a shift, he has departed from the various mythological versions of Medea’s life, which were prevalent in his age. Hence, Euripides manages to expose the chauvinistic trends of the Greek society and uses his artistic genius to lay bare the inherent imperfections in the supposedly ‘perfect’ Greek Civilisation. Let us scrutinise how Euripides manages to portray Medea as the first notable precursor of the feminist perspective. A keen reader of the Greek Tragedy may argue that there are various other female characters that have acquired considerable limelight. Aeschylus’ Clytemnestra , Sophocles’ Antigone and Euripides’ Hecabe and Andromache may be quoted as pertinent examples to substantiate this objection. A close study of all these characters would reveal that none of them happens to be in the same league as Medea. I shall present two arguments to establish the preceding claim. First, Medea outshines all the other portrayals because it has been written from the perspective of a woman who is conscious of her socio-political milieu. Her following dialogue serves as an evidence of her thorough insight into the status of women in her age: â€Å"†¦we women Are the most wretched. When, for an extravagant sum, We have bought a husband, we must then accept him as Possessor of our body†¦. For women, divorce is not Respectable; to repel the man not possible. Still more, a foreign woman, coming among new laws, New customs, needs the skill of magic, to find out What her home ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Human Biological Science (Pathogens and Disease) Coursework

Human Biological Science (Pathogens and Disease) - Coursework Example Also, in case of a cholera outbreak, cholera cases may be controlled through quarantine as stated under the Commonwealth Quarantine Act 1908. Contacts between infected and non - infected persons should be controlled by monitoring contacts for 5 days from the date of exposure. The environment around cholera victims should be controlled. This can be done through disinfection of clothes and beddings used by cholera patients, and terminal cleaning of the rooms occupied by cholera patients (Department of Health, Victoria, Australia, 2007). The rate at which it grows is dependent on the amount of available nutrients. If nutrients are not available, the fungus enters the log stage. In this stage, it degrades the keratin found in the stratum corneum forming the appropriate amino acids that provide nutrients for reproduction and growth. Once nutrients are available, it enters the stationary stage whereby degradation of keratin slows down. The trichophyton uses its enzymes, proteases in particular to degrade keratin cells and produce nutrients for its survival. To prevent and contain the spread of trichophyton, it is good to ensure that there is enough aeration to the feet, wearing of socks that absorb sweat away from the skin, avoid wearing of wet socks or sharing socks, avoid sharing of towels, drying the feet thoroughly after washing them, washing the feet habitually with water and soap and changing socks and shoes regularly (Department of Biology, Davidson College, 2007). Malaria is transmitted when a female anopheles mosquito takes in the plasmodium gametocytes from an infected person. After 8 – 35 days, the plasmodium develops into its infective form which is transmitted to another individual through a bite of the infected anopheles mosquito. The life cycle is divided into 4 stages that are; growth, development, transmission and reproduction. It is complex as it has varying phases, time length

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Oedipus -Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Oedipus -Discussion - Essay Example Can you relate to him as such? Is there any way that he reminds you of yourself? If so, how? (If not, explain that too.) I like Oedipus’ desire to struggle with fate. I would do the same if I were Oedipus and actually we are fighting with our fate every day in the modern world. Thus, Oedipus is really rather modern personality and his qualities would help him if he lived in the today’s world. 1) Being a politician in today political climate means not keeping your word, "smear campaigning" and building secret alliances with others for self interest. Todays politician will just about say anything to hold and retain a public post. These qualities contradict our tragic hero Oedipus. Unlike politicians today Oedipus was a man with honor and character. Creon, the king Oedipuss brother-in-law, says"If you wish to hear the news in public, Im prepared to speak. Or we could step inside."108 This gave me a first glimpse as to his character and commitment to his constituents. Todays politicians like former presidents Richard M. Nixon and his Watergate scandal or Bill J. Clinton and his Whitewater scandal prefer secret misdeeds to be kept from public knowledge. Yet, Oedipus chose to address all matter publicly. I admire the tenaciousness of our tragic hero for standing on his moral compass oppose to allowing public opinion to shape his every decision. Throughout our protagonist, Oedi pus, remained honest even when he possessed the power to forgive his own misdeed. Would these previously mentioned former presidents have done the same given the humiliation they suffered? Oedipus would keep his campaign promises, be open with information, and would have earned my vote. Although, It is difficult to imagine Oedipus style of politic with todays ; I would vote for Oedipus given the other alternative politicians. Many African-Americans, not to far in todays past, dare imagined a President of the United State of America

Thursday, October 31, 2019

International Business Machines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Business Machines - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  the Global Service business line provides the clients with business solutions and insights as well as Information Technology infrastructure. Even though most of the solutions are from the IBM systems and software, the corporation can engage in outsourcing if needed by the clients. According to CSI Market (2015), approximately 60 % of IBM's external Global Services annual revenue comes from maintenance and outsourcing arrangements. The Global Technology Services provide business process services and information technology services to the clients. It uses the IP integrated services and unique technology to ensure that the business value of its customers is improved. The business line enables the clients to benefit from the IBM's leading edge services, flexibility, outcomes, improved productivity and high-quality services.  As the report stresses  Global Business Services business line aims to deliver business outcomes to its clients in a more pra cticable manner. The business line attains its goal through the Application Management Services and Consulting. The business line ensures that the IBM solutions and content are integrated, and the clients are taken through a growth process. It ensures that the IBM capabilities and experts help the clients transform in market trends response. The activities are done through the segments of Front Office Digitization and Globally Integrated Enterprise.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Custom Gear Inc Edited Essay Example for Free

Custom Gear Inc Edited Essay 1.1 INTRODUCTION AND COMPANY BACKGROUND Custom Gear Inc., in Philadelphia, Pa., is a manufacturer of custom made gears ranging in weight from a few ounces to over 50 pounds. The gears are made of different metals depending on the customer’s requirements. Over the past year 40 different types of steel and brass alloys have been used as raw materials. Custom Gear sells its products primarily to engineering research and development laboratories or very small manufacturers. Recently the president of Custom Gear decided to accept a few larger orders for more than 100 gears. Although lower prices were accepted on these orders, they helped pay the overhead. It was found that the large orders caused many of the small orders to wait for a long time before being processed. As a result some deliveries of small orders were late. This report will write on the major problems that arises from the Custom Gear operation, the potential solutions, theories that can be applied in the case study and lastly but not least the conclusion. 2.1 PROBLEMS The root cause lies within the company’s policy. The company allowed the customer to change their design even after the production process has already started. This has contributed to the delay of the production. Other than that, the operation layout was designed ineffectively and inefficiently leading to an increase in their lead-time. Several major problems are identified from the root cause such as lack of processing policy flow, lack of order policy, and ineffective and inefficient layout as well as increase rate of return due to defective product. 2.1 Lack of Processing Policy Flow Lack of processing policy become a burden to Custom Gear where it allow the customer to changes their design even after the production process started. When the customer change the whole blue print, the production of that product will have to stop and wait for new design and raw materials to be clarified and arrived which delay the whole production process. Figure 2.0: Operation Process Flow The process in Figure 2.0 started when a customer wishes to order a gear, the order is taken by sales manager and marketing vice president (James Lord). The customer will specifies the type of gear, quality and raw materials desired by submitting a blue print. Once the order are received, 1 copy is sent to the production supervisor (Joe Irvine), and 1 copy is sent to the controller (Sam Smith). The controller will purchase the order for the raw materials required. These materials often take from 1 to 2 weeks to arrive, depending on the supplier and the type of material ordered. After receiving the raw materials, the supervisor reviews the order received before the starting the milling machine. The raw material, a gear blank, is sent to the Milling Work Centre. In the Milling Work Centre the teeth are cut into the edge of the gear according to the customers specifications. After that, the gear blanks are sent to the Drilling Works Centre, where one or more holes may be drilled in the gear. Then the gear will sent to the Grinding Centre which the gear will do the finishing by put on the gear teeth and the surface of the gear. Next, the gear may be sent to Heat Treating if this operation is required by the customer. After the batch of gears is completed, they are inspected by the next available worker and shipped to the customer.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The change kaleidoscope

The change kaleidoscope Table of content Introduction Describe the strategic change context in 2002, at the start of the change process at Faslane. You should apply Balogun and hope Hailey’s change Kaleidoscope and discuss your findings. You should also briefly describe the type of change (use Balogun and hope Hailey’s type of changes model). You may additionally use any other relevant academic reading to develop and support your ideas. 1.1 Balogun and hope Hailey’s change Kaleidoscope. 1.2 The kaleidoscope Change Kaleidoscope 1.3 The contextual features of change in Faslane , (Kaleidoscope Model ) 2. Compare and contrast the internal features of the organizational when it was run by the MOD and Royal Navy (Up to 2001) with when it was run by Babcock Marine (2002-2010). You should apply McKinsey’s Seven S framework (do this twice – once for ‘up to 2001’ and once for 2002-2010) and discuss your findings. What, for example, where the most significant differences? You may additionally use any other relevant academic readings to develop and support your ideas. 2.1 McKinsey’s Seven S framework 2.1.1 Importance of McKinseys Seven S structure 2.1.2 McKinsey’s Seven S framework 2.2 Faslane run by the Royal Navy and MOD (up to 2001) 2.3 Falsane run by the Babcock Marine (2002-2010) 3.Critically evaluate the Faslane change using Kotter’s change steps. 4.Would you describe the strategic change process at Faslane as more â€Å"intended† or more â€Å"emergent†? You should use examples from the case and relevant academic reading to support your answer Conclusions Introduction The main aim of this paper is to focus on the strategic changes at Faslane from different perspectives of the Babcock marines and the Ministry of Defense (MOD). The objective is to understand the change and the studies of strategic leadership. Taking into consideration a number of different theories and models to analyze internal and external influences of the organization. In the year 2002 Faslane which was previously managed jointly by the Ministry of Defense and the Royal Navy decided to partner with Babcock Marine, a private sector company. The main aim of such partnering agreement was for the purpose of reducing cost and improving their services. Babcock Marine was given the responsibility to save the cost as well as to improve their operational effectiveness. They were given a target of  £76 million saving within five years. With a significant change Faslane was able to achieve the target and was considered best. Describe the strategic change context in 2002, at the start of the change process at Faslane. You should apply Balogun and hope Hailey’s change Kaleidoscope and discuss your findings. You should also briefly describe the type of change (use Balogun and hope Hailey’s type of changes model). You may additionally use any other relevant academic reading to develop and support your ideas. Balogun and hope Hailey’s change Kaleidoscope Change Kaleidoscope was produced by Hope Hailey Balogun (2002) to be a method for pulling together and arranging the extensive variety of logical highlights and usage choices that require thought amid change. In this sense Change kaleidoscope is even more a model than a strategy, however it is usable instrument for conceptualizing the way of progress. By its plan, the model speaks to an exhaustive system which manages the greater part of the variables that the creators regarded noteworthy by the writing. The kaleidoscope model was utilized interestingly to reflectively investigate a change project embraced in a first pharmaceutical organization. The kaleidoscope contains an external ring which is concerned with the highlights of the change setting that can either empower or oblige change, and an inward ring that contains the menu of usage choices open to change specialists. Comprehension of the context oriented highlights empowers change specialists to judge the fittingness of any methodology for their specific setting. 1.2 The kaleidoscope Change Kaleidoscope The kaleidoscope Change Kaleidoscope theory was developed by Hope Hailey Balogun has three rings: The outer ring relays to the broader strategic adjustment context. The central ring relays to specific contextual issues that need to be considered when expressing a revolution plan. The internal circle gives a set of choices of selections and interferences, design selections obtainable to change. Time -How rapidly is change required? Is the association in emergency or is it concerned with longer-term vital improvement? Scope -What degree of change is needed? Does the change affect the whole organization or only part of it? Preservation -What authoritative resources, attributes and practices need to be kept up and secured amid change? Diversity -Are the diverse staff, expert gatherings and divisions inside the association generally homogeneous or more various as far as qualities, standards and disposition? Capability -What is the level of authoritative, administrative and individual capacity to execute change? Is there a need to enhance this ability before the change methodology can be begun? Capacity -How much asset can orgnaisation INVEST in the proposed change as far as money, individuals and time? Readiness for change How prepared for change are the representatives inside the association? Is it accurate to say that they are both mindful of the requirement for change and roused to convey changes? Power -Where is the force vested inside the association? What amount of scope of carefulness does the unit expecting to change and the change pioneer have? 1.3 The contextual features of change in Faslane , (Kaleidoscope Model ) 2. Compare and contrast the internal features of the organizational when it was run by the MOD and Royal Navy (Up to 2001) with when it was run by Babcock Marine (2002-2010). You should apply McKinsey’s Seven S framework (do this twice – once for ‘up to 2001’ and once for 2002-2010) and discuss your findings. What, for example, where the most significant differences? You may additionally use any other relevant academic readings to develop and support your ideas. 2.1 McKinsey’s Seven S framework The McKinseys Seven S structure grew by well-known business specialist Robert H Waterman Tom Peters in 1980. McKinseys Seven S system is an administration model which incorporate Strategy, Structure, Systems, staff, style and style. McKinseys Seven S structure is habitually utilized as an Organizational examination instrument to quantify and screen changes in the inward state of an association. 2.1.1 Importance of McKinseys Seven S structure †¢ Examine the execution of an organization. †¢To rearrange authoritative change. †¢ To close how best to actualize arranged technique. †¢ Inspect the probable impacts of inevitable changes inside an organ 2.1.2 McKinsey’s Seven S framework Mainly McKinsey’s Seven S framework can be divided in to two major categories, they are hard elements and Soft Elements Strategy – The plan formulated to continue and build competitive benefit over the competition. Over-all, strategy is the one that’s obviously expressed, is long-term, helps to grasp competitive benefit and is reinforced by sturdy vision, mission and values. Structure Strategy signifies the way business divisions and units are planned and contains the data of who is responsible to whom. In other words, structure is the organizational map of the firm. It is also one of the most noticeable and easy to change fundamentals of the framework. Systems – Systems are the methods and actions of the organization, which expose business’ regular happenings and how choices are made. Systems are the zone of the firm that concludes how business is done and it would be the main attention for managers through organizational adjustment. Shared values – Share values can be highlighted as the core of McKinsey’s Seven S framework. Shared values are generating an organization that admirations each and every worker, committed to the environment and constantly attempts for waste elimination and perfection in everything it does. Skills Skills are the capabilities that firm’s workers accomplish very well. They also contain competences and capabilities. During administrative conversion the question often rises of what skills the company will really necessity to strengthen its fresh strategy or different construction. Staff – The general meaning of staff is the employees and their general competences. Staff component is apprehensive with what type or how many workers an organization will require and how they will be employed, educated, encouraged and satisfied. Style Style signifies the way the company is control by top managers and how they intermingle, what movements do they take and their representative value. In addition style is the administration style of company’s leaders. 2.2 Faslane run by the Royal Navy and MOD (up to 2001) 2.3 Falsane run by the Babcock Marine (2002-2010) Critically evaluate the Faslane change using Kotter’s change steps. Establishing a sense of urgency Faslane needed prompt change so Babcock assumed control over the administration framework and continue for change. They need to decrease cost and enhance operation proficiency without influencing administrations to Navy. Creating the guiding coalition They urge staffs to impart thoughts and insight additionally give energy to make own gathering and arrangement for division. They lessens administration layer to 4. Developing a change vision They make focus to attain to 76 million of expense sparing in 5 years period without influencing the administrations gave to the Navy. They help and bolster representatives to embrace the change process. Communicating the vision of buy in Babcock Marine decrease administration layer to 4and make association structure straightforward. They completely bolster representative for change and make a point to accomplish the association objective. Empowering broad based action They decrease political interference and administration layer. They likewise evacuate the trepidation of representatives for change process. Experience workers for change methodology were brought so that other existing representatives of Faslane will embrace change rapidly. Generating short term wins They effectively actualize change in low level and change impression of worker that change methodology is for good. They enhance execution and quality in administrations. They additionally break their 5 years plan and make yearly target which was to attain to 3 million however they had the capacity accomplish 14 million. Never letting up Babcock Marine discover positive change after lessen in worker view of apprehension and administration layer. New administration style was ideal to accomplish the focus of association. Incorporating changes into the culture The new administration and administration for Faslane was accomplishment to meet target. They enhance the quality and administrations for client. Thus, Faslane got opportunity to oversee whole UKs submarine armada. Would you describe the strategic change process at Faslane as more â€Å"intended† or more â€Å"emergent†? You should use examples from the case and relevant academic reading to support your answer Emergent Faslane was in requirement for quick change, so in 2002 they cooperate with Babcock Marine with understanding of acquiring positive change entire association. They have an arrangement to attain to  £76 million of expense sparing in five years of period without influencing the administrations gave to the Navy. Meanwhile for accomplishing their targets they apply distinctive expected and new technique according to needed. Change was not simple for Babcock in light of the fact that at first the client was not to support them. So to change individuals outlook Babcock begin to spurring for change as their acquiring was taking into account the sparing of the expense. Babcock urges to impart new thoughts and insight through entire day exchange. Babcock was knowledgeable about change process they knew the things need to decrease and enhanced in Faslane. They reengineer the structure of an association. By decreasing the administration layer from 7 to 4 they were accomplishment to decrease c ost and enhanced operational adequacy without influencing in nature of administrations. They concentrate on straightforward correspondence through and through level of administration. They decrease around 400 full-time equal posts. From distinctive explanatory apparatuses used to examine for inward and outside change environment make us straightforward the particular change prepare in Faslane. Babcock has admirably utilized their experience and method for change process which make them accomplishment to attain to their target furthermore more than desire CONCLUSION The contextual analysis demonstrated that particularly amid times of progress a trade of expertise is indispensable. This exchange must happen in the middle of new and experienced workers, generalists and experts, et cetera. Likewise, it got to be clear that cost decreases and administration upgrades are conceivable in the meantime. What is required is a reasonable objective (key pioneers obligation), a certain independence for representatives (constrained self-rule is liable to be ineffectual because of long choice making techniques) and the incorporation of every single influenced partner in the change process (clients, workers, nearby group, and so forth if there should be an occurrence of Faslane). Faslane has possessed the capacity to consent to all the five components of Successful and viable key authority. It had the capacity impart associations motivation to all the partners. It was additionally fruitful in keeping up moral standard and overseeing HUMAN RESOURCES. With its great execution, it had the capacity meet its target and had the capacity deal with the whole UK submarines armada. Proof for this administration style being successful can be seen in the choice that Faslane would turn into the home base for atomic submarines as well as for the whole UK submarines armada which means up to 2000 more JOBS. Faslane was extremely intriguing contextual investigation and considered associations MANAGEMENT and by what method can shrewd changes influence everything. Referencing A. Franken, C. Edward, and R. Lambert, ‘Executing Strategic Change’, California Management Review, (2009), pp. 49-71. Lynch, R., (2009) Strategic Management, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall J. Kotter, ‘What leaders really do’, Harvard Business Review, December (2001) Johnson, Gerry, and Kevan Scholes. Exploring Corporate Strategy. London: Prentice Hall Europe, 1999. Print. Johnson, Gerry et al. Integrated Business Applications. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia, 2013. Print. Kotter, and Kotter International. The 8-Step Process for Leading Change Kotter International. Kotter International. N.p., 2015. Web. 3 Apr. 2015. Kotterinternatinal . 2014. The 8-Step Process for Leading Change. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 15]. Ambrosini, VeÃÅ' ronique, Gerry Johnson, and Kevan Scholes. Exploring Techniques Of Analysis And Evaluation In Strategic Management. London: Prentice Hall Europe, 1998. Print. 1

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lupus Essay -- essays research papers fc

br> Lupus   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lupus is a potentially life threatening disease that effects about 1.5 million Americans. Lupus can effect many different parts of the body. Lupus is a type of autoimmune system disorder in which the body cannot distinguish the difference between foreign antibodies and its own organs. So basically what happens is that the body ends up attacking its own organs thinking they are foreign substances. (The Lupus Foundation of America)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three different types of Lupus. They are: Discoid, Systematic, and Drug-Induced. Discoid Lupus only effects a persons skin. The only symptom of Discoid Lupus is a rash. Systematic Lupus is the most common form of Lupus. It effects the skin, joints, and sometimes the organs of a persons body. Sometimes this form of Lupus will go into remission and there will be no symptoms until the disease becomes active. The final type of Lupus is Drug-Induced. This Lupus is brought on by the use of certain prescription drugs, especially drugs to lower blood pressure. When the use of the drug is discontinued the symptoms almost always disappear. (The Lupus Foundation of America)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no known cause of Lupus. Although some families seem to be prone to Lupus, there is no known gene that carries the disease. Only about five percent of children born from a mother with Lupus will develop Lupus. Lupus is often thought of as a women’s disease because it occur...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Of Mice and Men †5 Diary Entries Essay

We travelled from Weed today. God damn bus driver dropped us off ‘least 10 miles from the ranch and told me it was just down the road. God if I see that damn driver I’d break his neck. Me and Lennie found a nice place to sleep for the night. If Lennie hadn’t been so God damn stupid we’d still be up in Weed rollin in the cash but Lennie had to do somethin’ wrong didn’t he, dumb bastard, jst like he always does. Every thing was goin; O.K in Weed and I’ll be damned if we can find a better place than that to work at. I sure hope Lennie don’t go grabbin’ no other girls just to feel a damn dress. I’ll never be able to fix up a stake if that dumb bastard stays dumb forever. I love Lennie but it’s hard movin’ from ranch to ranch with him there all the time. I’ve told him if he gets in any more trouble to come back to this very spot in the brush. Lennie sure is stupid, earlier he was carrying a dead mouse just to pet it. I dont know what i’m gonna do with him every time he gets upset I have to tell him that dumb story about the house where we will have rabbits and an alfalfa patch and he can pet the stupid rabbits. Who knows maybe one day that dream might come true but I don see that day coming soon. Diary Entry 2 Me and Lennie met a few people today. There was this old guy called candy and he’s got a stinkin’ old dog. He’s quit a nice fella though he told me about Curley and his wife. I met Curley just a bit after that convisation with Candy, he came in asking for his wife. He had a go at Lennie for no god damn reason at all. Candy reckons it’s just coz Lennie’s bigger than him. Curly’s one of those small guys who hates big guys, but he better not pick on Lennie coz Lennie may be dumb but hell he’s strong as a bull Earlier I was angry with Lennie coz he spoke infront of the boss when i told him not to.I had to tell the boss a few lies because he realised that Lennie was dumb and the boss wanted to know if I was hangin’ round with him to take his pay check off him at the end of the month.I told him that me and Lennie were cousins so tha is why we hung round together, good job that ain’t true coz if I was any relation to Lennie i’d kill myself. I met a real nice guy today called slim. He introduced me to everyone workin’ at the ranch and he thought it was good to see two guys like me and Lennie hangin’ round together coz he said that you don’t often see two guys hangin’round together. Although I’m gettin’ on O.K at the ranch with all the other guys and stuff, I cant help thinkin’ about the chance of Lennie and Curley gettin’ into a fight coz Curley was real mean to Lennie earlier. If Curley tries to start a fight with Lennie then Lennie gonna have to smash him back. I know that Lennie would never mean to cause any trouble but if Curley starts i’m gonna let Lennie fight back coz guys like Curley need to be taught a lesson. I ain’t sittin’ back and watching Curley beat up Lennie coz that ain’t right. Curley’s wife worries me aswell coz Lennie really likes her and he could get into real trouble if he does somethin’ like in Weed. Candy told me that she always eyein’ all the guys up. The thing that really gets to me is that Curley’s wife might give Lennie the eye and he might do somethin’ stupid, I just hope he doesn’t. Diary Entry 3. Today Candy was listenin’ in on me and Lennie havin’ a chat, normally I don’t like people listenin’ in on me but Candy had somethin’ interesting to say. He wanted to join the little dream me and Lennie ‘ave got of gettin’ our own little place and land and a few crops an’ animals. He’s got $350 to help buy the land. Since he aint no harm and he’s probabally gonna die soon we decided to let him come. The dream that was just a dream is now comin’ to reality just coz that old man Candy. Im gonna get hold of those old people an’ tell ’em im gonna buy the house, at the end of the month we will have $450 and then I’d keep workin’ on the ranch to pay off the rest. One day soon we might just be able to do it. We couldd get the little place of our own with a few acres of land and crops to grow, and rabbits coz Lennie’s always on about how he will tend the rabbits. Of course most guys dont believe us bout the dream coz i bet they had dreams just like us and watched ’em fall apart loads of times. This whole idea of our own land has made Candy have a bit of hope, poor bastard, Carlson shot his dog last night to put it out of misery, I mean it was old, smelly & decrepid it was for the best. Slim offered him one of his new pups, Slim also gave a pup to Lennie which was really nice of him. Lennies pretty dumb and he loves petting things I hope he jus’ dont do nothin’ stupid like on our last job and blow the chances of the house. Diary Entery 4. I new somethin’ bout that Curley couldn’t help but pick a fight with Lennie. Lennie hadn’t done nothin’ wrong either, he was standin’ there smilin’, thinkin’ bout our dream an’ Curley came in the bunk house in a mood an’ seen Lennie laughin’ and he socked him right in the chops and hittin’ and hittin’ him, Lennie was jus’ standin’ there takin’ it. So I told Lennie to fight back so Lennie grabbed hold of Curley’s fist and started crushin’ it like a tin can, Curley was floppin’ like a fish, Lennie must of broke every bone in his damn hand. Thanks to Slim we shouldn’t get canned coz he made it pretty clear to Curley that if he told anyone how this happened he would say how easily Lennie crushed his hand. Curley agreed not to tell anyone, so hopefully all that is all settled. I thought that would of ended our chance of the dream. Diary Entry 5. I was right in what i did wasn’t I? If they caught Lennie they would strap him up in a cage in one of those nut houses. It was the right thing to do! If Curley had caught him he would of tortured him and made him die a slow death. Atleast when i shot him he was happy and peaceful thinkin’ about the dream and not scared. Now Lennies gone im gonna be just like any other ranch worker, lonely and without a loving friend, it’s gonna take me a while to come to terms with what i’ve done, killed my only and best friend. Me and Candy aint gonna carry on with the dream, theres jus’ no point Lennie was the life and soul of the dream now he’s gone so has the dream. No doubt Candy will be upset and miserable but there ain’t nothin’ I can do about that. Slim and Carlson took me for a drink and told me that it wasn’t my fault and that I had to do it, I guess they’re right after all it was me or Curley and I ain’t lettin Curley touch Lennie. I probably gonna move on to a different ranch and carry on workin’ somewhere else alone.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Expansion of Trade in the 15th Century essays

Expansion of Trade in the 15th Century essays ?Throughout history, many different civilizations have branched out into the world looking for new trade routes, land, and desirable goods that could not be found in their home land. In the mid-15th century China had massive fleets of ships that were several times larger than the average seagoing craft of the day. Chinese admiral Zheng He led these fleets as far as Africa, where he brought back new and fascinating things that the Chinese had never seen before. In 1492, the discovery of the new world by Christopher Columbus caused Spanish conquistadors to leave Spain in search of gold and wealth. The discovery of the new world sparked a global trading system between Europe, Africa, and the Americas that would last for centuries to come. I can only imagine what it would have been like to see the massive Chinese treasure fleets floating on the horizon as they approach the shore. It must have been a truly impressive sight to see, and must have been intimidating at first, but upon seeing that these new faces were friendly and wished to trade, I certainly would have been happy to see them. "All the ships of Columbus and da Gama combined, according to a recent account, could have been stored on a single deck of a vessel in the fleet that set sail under Zheng He." (Strayer, p. 575). They would have very little effect on my life aside from increased trading and more wealth that they would provide for my country. Overall I would feel happy about their presence, and the wealth and trade they would bring with them. At the same time, I don't know how I would react to the looming presence that the fleet would have over me. The story is a little bit different when it comes to being an Aztec witnessing the events that followed arrival of the Spanish fleets. For an Aztec native to see the towering ships on the horizon it must have been a mixture of emotions. Fear, awe, curiosity, excitement, and confusion would have been my feelings toward thei...